Channels/Palettes and Sequence??

Hi all

I don't know how to explain this right but I'll try.

I'm doing again a show that I do last year. Use some ETC ColorSource Par and 8 ETC Revolutions. The "problem" is with the Revolution and the All Palettes. I've got 2 templates for them,  one for the FOH and other for the stage.

We use the same light design from last year but the Revolution are in a diferent order. I'm talking only about the address of them because we've got all the Revolutions always with same address number (Rev 1 is address1 Rev 2 address 32...Rev 10 address 280). 

Now an example of the problem: So Rev 8 that is supose to be channel 608 is now channel 602. Ok no problem just went to the Device list and change the channel number.

- 1ºproblem but that I understand after a while. On the All palettes the channel 608 that is used it change to channel 602

- 2º problem that I don't understand. On the Sequence 1 that I use the channel 602 is recorded in some Presets (always use the All palettes) but now the palettes are changing too. Try to explain: Old show ch602 Preset 1 use All Palette 1 and on new show (and after changing the Device 608 to 602) the Ch602 Preset 1 is All Palette  28. On the Old show ch608 is used on All Palette 28 and ch602 on All palette 1.

So question and I'm sorry if this if complicated for me to explain. I understand the channel change on the palettes but why it change also on Sequence?? We've got to cancel the afternoon rehearsal because this and update all presets on the sequence with the right palettes. And only today we are going to correct the position of the Revolutions on the palettes. Almost no pressure because the premiere it will be at 19h.

Is there a way to swap the channels number on the palette without edit/copy manualy parameter by parameter one channel to other??? And on the sequence???

Hope you understand what I'm saying because for me this doesn't make any sense.

Best regards

Pedro Alves