We need a new workflow

Hi guys , 

I work for a fairly big church in Mesa AZ with about 6 campuses valleywide, 

At all of our campuses we Have Etc Congo JR's running ETC cobalt. 

The problem that I am running into is that I program for all 6 campuses from one location (Since the Sets are virtually the same). When I get everthing programmed I need to save a edited copy of the show file to 6 different Flash drives for the respective campuses. This is not the problem though... often times the board ops from each campus do not remember to pick up the drive with the show file on it. Is there  a way to save a show directly to a network drive.. Short of putting it on a thumb drive and uploading it by hand.... 


  • In System Settings you can configure a File Server, which then appears in the Browser as an additional place to save and load shows.

    It must be an SMB v2 file share.

    You didn't say which version of Cobalt:
    In v7 and earlier the SMB share must be accessible without username/password and is set globally for the console.
    v8 added the ability to specify the username and password in the File Server config box, and each Session can have its own configuration.

    It sounds like you don't want them to be able to save, so it could be a read-only share.

    However, if you do connect them together make sure you're careful to firewall each the lighting networks off from each other and from the rest of the campus network.
    - At a minimum, block all multicast and broadcast multi-console and DMX-over-Ethernet traffic so they can't accidentally control each other!

    On the Windows 7 consoles, it's often good to use the 2nd network port for file sharing like this.

  • Awesome!!!, we are running V7 I know we have old network infrastructure that is at least campus wide... we will need some sort of networking infrastructure to the other campuses.. short of having a whole new system installed are there any possible solutions out there?

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