cobalt 8.1 on MAC and fan


Anyone can help me about Fan. I can do easy fan on Congo or cobalt consoles, I known it but I can't do the same when I work with my computer. I try with "command and fan" (fan button change color because is still pressed) but when I move pan or tilt, it doesn't work.

Thanks for your Help

  • Are you working on your MAC as the server or as a client?  In 8.1, FAN does not change the values live from a back-up Cobalt system (PC).

  • server I guest, I bought gadget and dongle to run cobalt or eos.

    I don't understand when you say FAN does not change the values ?  how I can do a FAN ? when I use congo lightcontroler I press old FAN button and I move  the wheel pan (example) I would like do the same in my Mac.

    Thanks for your help