Presets not transferring from off line editor to console on a PC

Built presets at home using offline editor, copied play to flash drive, loaded play onto console and all the presets and masters were not there. Any suggestions?  Offline. PC windows 10 Cobalt software 8.2.  Console Congo Jr Cobalt 8.1.  Console rebuilt by factory last year. 

Thanks Mark Ayers

PS Have a nomad do I need to connect it?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for reply.  Slowed down and read the white paper on the upgrade and realized my mistake.  Upgraded console.  On another note; how do you increase the text size in the offline editor?  I used the format key and the wheel on the virtual console but the text on the playback screen did not change.  The channels get larger on the live screen,  Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the help.

    Mark Ayers
