Cobalt content effect stopping issue?

Hi all

Wonder if anyone can help me?

I have a content effect running in a show I'm doing which is a simple 3 colour chase, at the end of the scene I want to end the effect on a snap and have all the lights that were running the effect to snap to a fixed colour. 

Even though iv recorded this into a cue, when I run the cue list the lights for some reason snap and hold the colour state of the content effect and not the fixed colour iv asked them to do?

Am I doing anything wrong or should I be doing something different?



  • Hey,

    had this issue some weeks ago. It´s a timing problem.

    Your content effect is filled with color palletes right?

    1. Cue is your effect playback with your color chase

    2. cue is your lights with a color palette in zero seconds.

    Sometimes the content effect calls a new color pallet at the same time your 2. cue calls the color pallete.

    So you end up with a snap in the last color of your effect.

    I gave the color attribute of the fixtures in the secound cue a small delay (about 0.2 s) and the effect playback a out time of 0.1.

    This fixed the issue for me.


  • Hey,

    had this issue some weeks ago. It´s a timing problem.

    Your content effect is filled with color palletes right?

    1. Cue is your effect playback with your color chase

    2. cue is your lights with a color palette in zero seconds.

    Sometimes the content effect calls a new color pallet at the same time your 2. cue calls the color pallete.

    So you end up with a snap in the last color of your effect.

    I gave the color attribute of the fixtures in the secound cue a small delay (about 0.2 s) and the effect playback a out time of 0.1.

    This fixed the issue for me.

