Export between cobalt 7 to cobalt 8 - Time channel lost

Hello everyone

Sorry i'm new here, but have someone already ask for a way to export a show with time's channels on a cobalt V7 to make it works without loosing anything (specially time channels) on a cobalt v8.2 ?

I haven't find if this question was already been asked .

  • Can you please share or PM me an example file where the information is lost? I want to be sure that I understand what you are calling "time channels" matches the feature I'm thinking of...

  • add nÏmes.asc

    Hello Starksk, thanks to answer. I put here my file saved from v7 and if you open it on a v8 cobalt you can see the channels times appear under the channels concerned on the "live" side but you can't see the good way to show them on the "playback principal" with the lines.

    It's look like just a display's trouble but i'm not sure it's gonna be allright in real 

  • Do you mean something like this:

    If so, click the gear icon in the upper right corner and toggle the timeline display on:

  • yes i means this kind of lines but here they don't appear like this  you can see on the live side the valeurs are write but not the lines on the playback principal....

  • wouah how can you have this ? you are under what version of the cobalt ? In my version 8.2 it show like that :

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