IRFR Classic / IRFR preview Classic

Hey Community,

we played around with both iRFR classic apps for cobalt. Our system is a Cobalt20 with V7.3.1 and we are running the latest version of both apps on an Ipad 2020 (IOS 14.6) and we recognized some issues.

a) scrollbuttons in main sequence view doesn‘t work

b) cue notes made inside the app doesn‘t change when we change a showfile on the desk

c) in the classic app we can‘t control all parametes of movers in encoder tab (just pan, tilt, hue, saturation)

d) is it possible to show the preset text for each cue instead of just the sequence text? Actually our cue names are empty in the app.

maybe it‘s just a settings thing on the desk, but we can‘t find it.

Does anyone use this apps anymore or is there another way/app to view the sequence list on our Ipad? We want to use the preview app for our followspot operators.

Hopefully somebody can give us a hint.

