back up sync independents

hi everyone.. just a quick question..

we have our back up (congo jr) running in sync for our xmas show, but i have 3 independents on, on our main server.., 2 of which, i switch off during to show,

the backup doesnt directly swicth them on when i send the play, so i turn them on myself, so the question im trying to ask is, if the server fails and the back up takes over, will the back up keep the power of my independents on, until its time to switch it off, then will it switch them off when i ask it to??

i do realise i have probably made that sound really hard to understand, i hope you get the point.. cheers 



  • Hi Claire - Congo currently sends the state of the Independent faders to the backup, but not the state of the switches. You might switch to using the faders, or perhaps use the Park function instead of the switches if you are concerned about a backup taking over correctly. We will support the switches in a future version of Congo.

    Thanks -


  • Hi Claire - Congo currently sends the state of the Independent faders to the backup, but not the state of the switches. You might switch to using the faders, or perhaps use the Park function instead of the switches if you are concerned about a backup taking over correctly. We will support the switches in a future version of Congo.

    Thanks -


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