Not being able to save show files since 6.2.1 upgrade

Hi All,

So it's as simple as this:

I recently upgraded from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1 and tried to save a show file for the first time today since the upgrade.

It says "Media full or unavailable, could not save" even if I try to save straight to USB which I know has a lot of space.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


Chenn de Wet

  • Hi Chenn,

    I haven't heard of this issue. Is it possible that you originally saved the show file to a different media than is currently connected? If this is the case, try using the "Save As..." command instead of the "Save" command. This should allow you to choose a different location to save the file.

    You could also try using the "Save copy to USB" command, but make sure to wait for the busy indicator on your USB stick to stop flashing before you try to initiate this save. That will make sure the drive has been read properly and is available to save to.

  • Hi Kirk,

    It's a show that I started from scratch today, it's never been saved elsewhere. I have now managed to save it straight to the USB drive so atleast the show is backed up. But it still says the "Media is full or unavailable" when I want to save to the Play archive, I have deleted some previous Plays to make sure there is space, and there shouldn't be something wrong with the HD since the console starts up perfectly.

    Would you like a copy of the showfile to check it out? In that case please post your e-mail address.


    Chenn de Wet


  • Hi Kirk,

    It's a show that I started from scratch today, it's never been saved elsewhere. I have now managed to save it straight to the USB drive so atleast the show is backed up. But it still says the "Media is full or unavailable" when I want to save to the Play archive, I have deleted some previous Plays to make sure there is space, and there shouldn't be something wrong with the HD since the console starts up perfectly.

    Would you like a copy of the showfile to check it out? In that case please post your e-mail address.


    Chenn de Wet


  • Which type of Congo is this? (fullsize, jr or Kid?)

    In System Settings > Utilities there are options called "Backup Settings", and "Save Logs to USB", can you do both of those and email us the results?

    The best email address is congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com

    [edited by: Richard at 10:03 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jul 18 2012]