Congo version 6.3.0 now available for download!

Hi all -

As announced at PLASA this week, Congo v6.3.0 is now available for download here. You can find the software, release note and new user manual there as well. As always, the newest content is within the online help system right in your console, available by using the "?" key at any time.

I've done a short video explaining many of the new features here.

In short, we've done a lot of work on the user interface, adding in new CONTEXT MENUS that reveal functions of the console in the context of the display/tab/dock where you're currently working. These menus can be accessed using the SELECT key (press it twice) or by right-clicking with a mouse in many areas of the screens.

We've also added a new editor type, the ORGANIZER tab, which displays the content of your show file in a tree view. You can navigate this tree just like you navigate the Browser and you can drill down into the tightest detail of a recorded object, right down to the parameters of a single channel in a preset. You can use this editor to not only view data, but copy and/or move data from one object to another - copy effects from one preset to another, or move devices from one preset to another, or manipulate your sequences using drag-and-drop editing. The new organizer tab also allows us to renew the IMPORT function, using two organizers to let you see the entire importable content of the source show, and simple select it and drag it into the current show, bringing all the dependencies along with it.

Speaking of DRAG-&-DROP EDITING, we have added a lot of areas where you can drag-and-drop with a mouse to move data around. This includes inside the Sequence List editor, in the Masters tab and dock, and also right in the Playback tab itself.

We've added a new organizational tool in the main sequence - SECTION MARKERS - that not only provide a graphical indication of important parts of your show like the tops of scenes or songs, but also provide a quick way to use the direct selects to jump to those points in your sequence.

We have also added support for the Open Sound Control or OSC protocol so that you can be even more creative when you interact with your console with other OSC-capable devices. For more information on OSC in general, see this site. For the specifics on what's supported in Congo, please search for "OSC" in the help system or user manual.

I hope you enjoy working with version 6.3.0!

Thanks -


[edited by: sclausen at 1:30 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Sep 13 2012]
  • Hi everyone


    I've just saw this new version today and only tested with an offline version on my PC  and I can't explain how happy I am. It's more easy to work with Congo now than before thanks to the drag and drop (finally) function. For now the only repair that I want to do is, for when an UIMS (ups I made s..t) key??? A console or software key that allows us to go back some steps that with did wrong like, for instance, if we delete a Preset that we need to much for a show that we are programming and we don't have still a backup file for that.

    Just one more thing to the future?

    Thanks to all that improved this nice console.


    Pedro Alves

  • Hi everyone


    I've just saw this new version today and only tested with an offline version on my PC  and I can't explain how happy I am. It's more easy to work with Congo now than before thanks to the drag and drop (finally) function. For now the only repair that I want to do is, for when an UIMS (ups I made s..t) key??? A console or software key that allows us to go back some steps that with did wrong like, for instance, if we delete a Preset that we need to much for a show that we are programming and we don't have still a backup file for that.

    Just one more thing to the future?

    Thanks to all that improved this nice console.


    Pedro Alves

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