Templates for LED fixtures

How can I build a template for an LED fixture that will allow me to access the full potential of the multiple light sources?  In this case I'm working with a Microh LED Razor45.  The fixture has different settings that will use as many as 49 channels which would effectively mean I have access to each LED.  However the best template I have been able to find on the Congo so far only uses 8 channels.  This means that all the LEDs of a particular colour come on together.  Congo does not seem to have a way of putting multiple colour channels into a template - i.e. ten colour red.  Have I missed something?

Mark Stevens - Abbotsford, BC, Canada


  • Hi Mark -

    If you want to control individual cells of an LED batten or fixture like the one you describe in a way that will not drive you crazy, the best way to do that at the moment is to patch each of those cells as an individual RGB channel, then create a group to control the whole fixture as one big cell (if you ever want to do that). This way you won't have to jump through other hoops if you want to use those cells as pixels in image effects or with dynamic effects.

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Mark -

    If you want to control individual cells of an LED batten or fixture like the one you describe in a way that will not drive you crazy, the best way to do that at the moment is to patch each of those cells as an individual RGB channel, then create a group to control the whole fixture as one big cell (if you ever want to do that). This way you won't have to jump through other hoops if you want to use those cells as pixels in image effects or with dynamic effects.

    Thanks much -


  • Thanks for this but I'm not clear on how to address each LED in the fixture.  The fixture menu lets me set it up for 4, 8, 21,48 or 49 channels.  With it set for 8 channels i have a template that looks like 1)intensity, 2)strobe, 3)color, 4)red, 5)green, 6)blue, 7)white, 8)amber.  According to the fixture manual 21 channels will devide the fixture into three sections.  It needs a similar template but with 3 channels each for strobe and the colours.  But when I build that template the result is the same as 8 channels.  All the LEDs of each colour come up together.  What am I doing wrong?


  • For 21 channel mode, there are a couple of ways to do it.

    It is debatable whether you you need a fixture that includes the master intensity or the effects channel because it depends on whether you need the effects channel. For sake of argument let's say you already have the eight-channel mode fixture defined which it appears you do.

    You need to also define 6 channel fixture that consists of Strobe, Red, Green, Blue, Amber, White. 

    After you have these 2 fixtures defined.

    Put the fixture in mode 3.

    Define 1 channel as the 8-channel fixture, and patch to the address of the fixture.

    Define the next 2 channels as the 6-channel fixture (Strobe+RGBAW) and patch them to the address of the fixture plus an offset of 8 and 14, respectively.

    Clear as mud?
