Request about saving to USB

Would it be possible when saving to USB, or the File Server, for Congo to rename the existing file to *.001?  If I remember right it does do this if you save to the same location twice in a row but we usually save to two locations (hard drive/USB) twice a day during tech.  When you select a different location to save you have to either rename the show or overwrite the existing file (or change the exiting file name manually before saving).  It would be really nice if it would rename to *.001 automatically if the file name was the same.  It would also be nice if Congo remembered the show name when you save to a different location.

 Neither of these are urgent issues but they would be nice, especially at the end of the day.


  • Hi Mat,

    Congo does rename the existing file to .001 if you save with the same filename, both the to the USB and Fileserver.
    You know that you can go to the Browser > Files > Save As > PlayArchive (or USB or Fileserver) and open this node with the right arrow and find the file you last saved to and press Modify when you are focused ontop of it. This will give you a popup asking if you want to overwrite the existing file, please do so. The existing show will be renamed to .001 and the rest of the history files will be incremented with one. This way you don't need to enter the filename every time you save to a different drive.
    If you want to check this you can go to Browser > Files > Open > PlayArchive/USB/Fileserver and check that the .001-.009 file are there.

    A tip for you if you are regularly saving to two places (Play Archive and USB) is to first save to USB, then save to the Play Archive. This way the last file is always saved to the internal harddrive and that's then what is shown on the top of the monitors and where a Save command saves the show.

    Remember, hold C/ALT and press UPDATE to quickly save the show with the current filename (to the drive it was last opened from/saved to).

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi Oskar,

     I just double checked and it does rename the existing files to .001.  What was throwing me off was the dialogue box.  When you use the Save command it has a note about renaming the existing file.  That note is missing when you use the Save As command and I assumed it didn't create the .001 file.

     My mistake.

    Thanks for the help,

  • Hi Oskar,

     I just double checked and it does rename the existing files to .001.  What was throwing me off was the dialogue box.  When you use the Save command it has a note about renaming the existing file.  That note is missing when you use the Save As command and I assumed it didn't create the .001 file.

     My mistake.

    Thanks for the help,

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