Dynamic effect intensity base level


I'm using a dynamic intensity effect on a group of channels in a cue and I would like to maintain the base level of those channels (20%) whilst running the effect. What do I need to do? I'm sure I've managed to do this before but I can't remember what I did!

Many thanks


  • All Dynamic Effects move around the 'base' value by whatever the Size * Level of the effect playback is.

    For example:

    • The channel is at 50%
    • The Effect Playback is at 100%, DynTemplate: smooth

    If the Effect Playback Size is 50% the channel will fade up to 100% (50% + 50%) and down to 0% (50% - 50%)

    If you set the Size to 20%, the channel fades up to 70% and down to 30%


  • All Dynamic Effects move around the 'base' value by whatever the Size * Level of the effect playback is.

    For example:

    • The channel is at 50%
    • The Effect Playback is at 100%, DynTemplate: smooth

    If the Effect Playback Size is 50% the channel will fade up to 100% (50% + 50%) and down to 0% (50% - 50%)

    If you set the Size to 20%, the channel fades up to 70% and down to 30%


  • Hi Richard,

    The problem with this solution is that to generate a base level in the effect you lose intensity at the top end. What is needed is that whatever base level, ie 20% the effect still runs the channels to full.

    I tried having the said channels in a master but this does not work





  • I think that means you don't want to use a Dynamic effect for this at all.

    All Dynamic effects move above and below the 'base' value by 'size'. They are, as the name implies, both dynamic and changeable.

    - Compare how a Dynamic Effect Playback playing a "Circle" moves the lights around the position you pointed them at, and furthermore the centre of the circle moves around as you refocus the lights.

    It sounds like you actually want to use a Content effect playback running the "Intensity" series that's included in all new Congo showfiles.

    Content Effects are "Do this specific thing" - such as "fade up to 100%".

    Have a quick read of the tutorial Sarah posted here for the differences between the types of effects and a brief tutorial on using each type.
