Organizer - devices templates

Hi All,

When I import templates from anather show using new organizer my templates have only one beam page. In oryginal template, in library there is 3 pages in beam.  What I doing wrong?

  • Insufficient information for a meaningful answer...

    Can you attach a copy of the 'resultant' show file, the 'original' you were importing from and let us know which templates you mean?

    Or email them to "congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com" if you don't want to attach them publicly.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:10 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Nov 4 2012]
  • Insufficient information for a meaningful answer...

    Can you attach a copy of the 'resultant' show file, the 'original' you were importing from and let us know which templates you mean?

    Or email them to "congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com" if you don't want to attach them publicly.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:10 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Nov 4 2012]
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