Congo Jr default Master Page

Does anyone know how I can set up some defult Masters/Master pages (rep plot sub masters) so that they are loaded whenever someone starts a new play?

  • You can store these and other building blocks in the "Default Play", which is then offered as the default option when you do File > New.

    To create this, open the play with the "base data" then use the Default Play Wizard:
    Browser > Files > Default Play Wizard

  • Thank you Richard. Unfortunately, the desk is still running on version 4.3, and I do not see a Default Play Wizard in the Browser. Is this something that is specific to V6 (or later than v4.3)?

    I plan on upgrading but will have to wait until the end of the current academic term. Is there any way to create a file from which to import or to make a read-only file in the play archive which could be loaded and saved as ... ?

  • Not in 4.3.x!

    You can create a show file to use as a 'base', but it can't be made read-only and the import function in v4 was very dependent on you knowing what order to do things in.

    The Default Play was added in v5, and the Organiser drag'n'drop import added in 6.3.

    I would very strongly recommend updating your console, as you're missing out on a lot of fun features!

    [edited by: Richard at 5:01 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 28 2012]
  • HI Richard,

    I've upgraded to V6.3.1, loaded the play I want to be the default, gone through the default play wizard and selected all (including save masters/master pages), but whenever I start from the default play, the master pages are empty. Are there any other settings I need to check or anything I might be doing wrong?

    I now have several versions of the DEFAULT.ASC files in the play archive which I cannot delete. Could these be interfering with the one I'm trying to set as default?

  • HI Richard,

    I've upgraded to V6.3.1, loaded the play I want to be the default, gone through the default play wizard and selected all (including save masters/master pages), but whenever I start from the default play, the master pages are empty. Are there any other settings I need to check or anything I might be doing wrong?

    I now have several versions of the DEFAULT.ASC files in the play archive which I cannot delete. Could these be interfering with the one I'm trying to set as default?

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