Couple of issues

Congo 6.3.1

If I step through outputs in the Output Editor (using the + key), outputs that are not patched get turned ON with no way to turn them OFF other than selecting them in the Output List.  This does not apply to all un-patched outputs, just some and is quite bothersome.

If I open the Live Effects tab and try to navigate to a specific cell using the arrow keys nothing happens i.e. the highlighted box does not want to move in accordance to what the arrow keys dictate.

Anyone else experiencing these issues?


  • Thanks for the report Orri,

    I can repeat your report of "unpatched output isn't reset to zero when moving on", we'll look into this.
    It appears to be the receivers holding the last level because Congo doesn't transmit levels for any unpatched addresses.

    For the Live Effects tab: Do you have a dropdown or context menu open, another key pressed or could the focus be on a different tab or dock?
    I've not managed to repeat this.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:22 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 6 2012]