channel layout symbols

Hello, new to this forum and also new to ETC consoles so be gentle with me please !!!


I am trying to edit an existing channel layout screen, and cannot figure out how to change the symbol for an existing channel, e.g as the mo channel 25=a fresnel but I want to change it to a profile, any thoughts on how to do this ?


Also, is there a simple way of inserting a '' set of channels ? I can only work out how to insert an individual channel.......


many thanks



  • Simon,

    Select the channel, then look at the bottom of the layout window. You will see in the center of the bottom 3 pull down menus stack up. Foreground,background and symbol. Click on the pull down menu for Symbol and sleect the symbol you would like. THat will change the symbol for you.

    Does this answer your question about symbols?

    if you know the channel numbers try selecting them like you would in a live screen, while in teh layout. . For instance "1 ch 10 thru " then press Insert.

    Hope this helps!

  • Simon,

    Select the channel, then look at the bottom of the layout window. You will see in the center of the bottom 3 pull down menus stack up. Foreground,background and symbol. Click on the pull down menu for Symbol and sleect the symbol you would like. THat will change the symbol for you.

    Does this answer your question about symbols?

    if you know the channel numbers try selecting them like you would in a live screen, while in teh layout. . For instance "1 ch 10 thru " then press Insert.

    Hope this helps!
