Congo 6.4.0 Beta test opportunity


The Next version of Congo, v 6.4.0 will begin its acceptance testing program soon. One of the major features of this release is RDM directly through the DMX ports of the consoles. We are interested in finding sites that would be able to assist in testing this feature set out with us.

If you have RDM-capable devices and you are able to run them directly from the local DMX ports of your Congo family console, we would really appreciate your help in this test. RDM can assist in setting up devices (changing addresses, modes, and other settings as each manufacturer allows on their devices. It can also provide feedback from sensors within the devices, again as each device manufacturer allows. To get the best feedback about our new features, we would ask that you "play" with your RDM devices as much as possible including changing address, mode and settings as available, patching in Congo, taking the fixtures offline and bringing them back online (either by cycling power or disconnecting and reconnecting DMX) and otherwise interacting with the fixtures as much as possible over RDM.

If you are able to participate please feel free to contact me at Please include your venue information, which Congo equipment you use, and which RDM devices you have available to test with.

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!!

