congo jr help

HHi my name is Del. I'm from Boston Ma . I'm part of a christian church and this past year we invested a lot in lighting. And I just got the Congo kid .great lighting console. But I'm not a professional lighting guy . what I know I learn on my own . I know all the basics but I want to get most of my console . 

And my first question is . how do I pacht my haze machine to be set on the top right corner bottun .

Is there an way to set my moving light with reverse pan/ tilt .

I'm really sure I'm going to have a lot more quest and be glad if u Pro people help .







  • The buttons you are referring to are called Independents; you can add channels to independents by going to your browser, scrolling down to independents and then pressing the modify button for the independent you would like to work with.

    To invert pan and/or tilt on your moving lights, you will scroll up in your browser to patching and press your right arrow key.  Scroll down to device list and press modify.  In the device list you can arrow up and down to the fixture you need to update then arrow over to the field Inv. Pan and/or Inv. Tilt and press your modify button.

    Hope this helps...



  • Thks John 

    it helped a lot .







  • John .. 


    What question should i be asking. what some major point that i should know .

    im working with 10 M L , 10 washes 



  • Wow; that is in incredibly broad question.  I know you indicated you were learning as you go, but do you have any experience programming, or lighting in general, beyond this new rig?  Are you asking for tips and hints on this console in particular, or in how to program a moving light rig in general?  If you are looking for training opportunities for the console ETC offers a variety of training options; including having a trainer come out to your location to spend a day with you and your console and rig.  You can find out more about that here or from your ETC dealer who sold you the console:

    If you are asking a more theoretical "what do I do with all of this stuff now" question, you might be best served contacting a local professional programmer/designer or even and advanced college student.  They may not know this particular console,  but they can certainly talk to you in generalities about how to layout and program a show.  This will probably cost you anywhere from a decent six-pack to real money, but it would certainly be a sound investment if you are really starting from scratch here.  Forums are an excellent resource for getting specific questions answered, sharing information, etc... but they really aren't a great alternative to a classroom, lab, or other hands-on education/experience.

    Hopefully this helps...



    [edited by: doctrjohn at 9:56 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 26 2012]
  • Wow; that is in incredibly broad question.  I know you indicated you were learning as you go, but do you have any experience programming, or lighting in general, beyond this new rig?  Are you asking for tips and hints on this console in particular, or in how to program a moving light rig in general?  If you are looking for training opportunities for the console ETC offers a variety of training options; including having a trainer come out to your location to spend a day with you and your console and rig.  You can find out more about that here or from your ETC dealer who sold you the console:

    If you are asking a more theoretical "what do I do with all of this stuff now" question, you might be best served contacting a local professional programmer/designer or even and advanced college student.  They may not know this particular console,  but they can certainly talk to you in generalities about how to layout and program a show.  This will probably cost you anywhere from a decent six-pack to real money, but it would certainly be a sound investment if you are really starting from scratch here.  Forums are an excellent resource for getting specific questions answered, sharing information, etc... but they really aren't a great alternative to a classroom, lab, or other hands-on education/experience.

    Hopefully this helps...



    [edited by: doctrjohn at 9:56 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 26 2012]
  • i have some knowledge about the patching, 1:1   .. before the Congo Kid . i used to work with the ECT Element  But recently we got 10 martin 250 Moving lights . we also have about 10 wash and about  20 out halogen (spot, blinder ). Now im looking forward to get the most out of my console , programming the Mov lights in the best ways possible , that will give a Pro look . find out the best way to create the scene , i recently found  out the a class in my area i know will cost me some money but im really exited . and talking about students. what kind course should i look for that will involution lighting engineering.   


    thks for helping me 
