Blind to Live Time

I am wondering if it would be possible to implement timing in a more logical way when moving intensities and parameters from Blind in to Live.  I understand that currently parameters use the default parameter time from setup, but intensities seem to snap on when using the Blind + Live key combination.  I understand that I can use Blind + Wheel to fade intensities in, but this seems to ignore changed parameters.  I would love to be able to enter a time in seconds for both intensity and parameter changes to fade in to live, say: 5 - Blind + Live for a five second fade in.  The blind programmer is something that I used a lot on hogs, and now on Chamsys, when busking music shows and it seems like you are close to the same thing here, but not quite all the way.  I would certainly welcome others thoughts and am definitely open to hearing about a better way of doing this if I am missing something...



  • First of all, there is no Programmer in Congo - that concept simply doesn't exist.

    Instead, Congo has many editor tabs - each tab contains levels and a selection, and allows you to edit whatever is in it - a Preset, an unrecorded look or whatever (palettes/groups etc). You can of course have several open and visible at once.

    The Blind tab is really a "scratch" field where you can drop stuff for a while before deciding where to record it - eg a snapshot of current that you'll record later ([Live] & [Blind])

    Blind editing is generally done in the Preset/Sequence Lists - which are split tabs that let you edit (or create) any Preset, based on any other or none.

    I am rather confused as to your end purpose here though - what are you actually trying to do?

    You can do timed changes in Direct Selects using # [Direct_Select] - eg a 5 sec move to Focus Palette 1 would be 5 [Focus_Direct_Select_1]
    - This is similar to the "Avolites" style of busking.

    If you want to build a Preset blind and then crossfade to it, hit [B] to open the B tab, make changes (record or not), hit Go.
    (The B field [B] is always the "next" look in the Main Playback.)

    To make a partial look blind then add it to Live, edit a Preset on a Master that's at zero, then fade the master up (manual or timed).

    Alternatively you could use the Dual-Preset Jam mode - top masters are 'next', bottom faders 'live', the masters [>] (go) button is Go.

  • Thanks Richard.

    I certainly understand there is no programmer; I had assumed that referring to that behavior would explain what I was looking for but I understand that was too great an assumption.  That explanation of the Blind tab is probably the best I have heard of it's intended use and it makes sense, in that context, that it can't, and probably shouldn't, do what I asked for.

    What I am after is a way to build a complete look, using Groups, Palettes, etc... "blind" and then fade in to that look in whatever timing I would like.  I LOVE the way that timed changes using Direct Selects work, but I can only make one change at a time; not create a complete look (that hasn't been previously recorded) that I can transition in to at once this way.

    I will experiment more with the B field and empty masters; it sounds like, as usual, Congo will do what I want I just need to learn how to do it...

    Happy New Year!



  • After a bit of playing,  B seems to allow me to set intensities as expected, but as soon as I start trying to adjust parameters those changes happen live.  I thought this was, perhaps, just marking behavior for fixtures with no intensities, but changing the Attribute Playback Default to On Go didn't fix this problem.  Also, if I tap the Attribute button in B it pops me directly to the Live display (though it doesn't change to the attributes display).  I see this behavior both on a Congo Jr as well as the offline editor; both running V6.3.



  • Oops, sorry, the A/B tabs don't have an attributes editor at present. (Haven't had a chance to confirm until today.)

    The attribute controls (FCB, encoders & Direct Selects) are always 'Live' unless the tab is in Attrib mode.
    - If [Attrib] is not supported in your current tab it's treated as if you pressed [Live].

    Note that in order for a Master to have any attributes, it has to contain an extant Preset, and the Preset Attribute Editors are always Blind.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:24 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 2 2013]
  • Well that all matches what I was seeing; I am glad that I wasn't missing something obvious. Thanks for looking in to it!


