Meteor Elipscan Template

Does anyone have a device template for a Meteor Elipscan?  I'm having trouble getting anything to work.



  • Hi Sarah,

    you can easily make your own template in Congo for that device in some moments using the template editor:

    Channel 1 – PAN (170 degree axis)
    Channel 2 – TILT (135 degree axis)
    Channel 3 – MOTOR SPEED PAN
    Channel 4 – MOTOR SPEED TILT
    Channel 5 – RELAY

    The full manual you can find here:




  • Yes, however my problem is I can't get any of the templates I've tried to make work, so I was wondering if anyone already had one that had proven successful.



    [edited by: Sarah at 7:31 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Dec 29 2007]
  • Afraid I don't have a template for this fixture, but looking at the fixture manual, there seem to be some slightly strange things about this fixture that might be causing your problem:

    1. The speed channels (ch3 and ch4) default to the slowest speed, so in order to see any motion you probably want them set at maximum speed (DMX 249) as a default

    2. When setting the DMX address on the fixture, you're actually setting the DMX address less one - so in order to set it to DMX 21, you actually set the DIP switches to DMX 20

    3. It also sounds like the unit has a three pin DMX connector. If so, check your 3-5 pin DMX adapters are wired correctly and that the fixture is recieving DMX ok.



  • I haven't tested this on a real Elipscan, but it is accurate to the manual.


    • The optional Relay is on the Strobe attribute, as it isn't really an intensity.
    • The Pan and Tilt speeds are merged into a single Focus Speed attribute, as it is rare to programme these differently.


    [edited by: Richard at 2:58 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Dec 31 2007]
  • Thanks so much for this!  I think I see what I was doing wrong now.  I'll give it a try when I get back to work on Wed.

    Thanks again.



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