Recommendations for Congo Client laptop?

Hi all,

My lighting department's Client-intended laptop was eaten by our audio department long ago; we haven't for years truly needed remote Congo Client capability: until now. An upcoming event has become the special unicorn, and it's time to either rent an RVI or pull the trigger on a new laptop. My feeling is it's more cost-effective to buy the laptop; we still have our dongles.

Does anyone have recommendations for, or especially against, any particular consumer-level laptop for Congo Client use? This machine isn't intended to do anything but this, plus perhaps serve as backup storage for old show files & ETC software. 




  • Hi Anne,

    The Congo software will work fine on almost any Windows 7 computer available today. I would strongly encourage you to avoid Windows 8. Depending on what other ETC software you intend to run on the computer, you might want to consider 32-bit over 64-bit as most of the older software is not 64-bit compatible.

    I'll let others comment on brand performance.
