Hi there,

Is there any opportunity for a small tutorial on how to trigger Cues and Submasters through Midi Notes and Midi Timecode? I just want to programme a show and I need some kind of help on that topic. The main Idea is to trigger Congo Jr from Ableton Live with the use of Midi Notes. For example each note will trigger a specific Submaster or Cue and then we can arrange the notes throughout the songs and the lighting - video will be triggered automatically even if the tempo of the song change.

It would be very helpful if someone can help on that topic.




  • Hi Menelaos -

    Have you checked the help system/user manual? MIDI operation is covered in detail in the documentation for Congo. Or do you have more specific questions?

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Sarah,

    I have checked the Manual and with a little help from a musician friend, I manage to make it work.

    What seems a little bit strange is that my Congo jr Freezes (not all the times).

    As soon as I start sending Midi Notes from Ableton to the desk through a midi cable , the desk keeps outputting DMX and executing the cues but it doesn't let me to do anything else. For example I can not select any channels, Direct Selects or even a Preset (from the actual hardware of the desk). 

    Any ideas why this happens? Is there any way of solving this problem?




  • Hi Sarah,

    I have checked the Manual and with a little help from a musician friend, I manage to make it work.

    What seems a little bit strange is that my Congo jr Freezes (not all the times).

    As soon as I start sending Midi Notes from Ableton to the desk through a midi cable , the desk keeps outputting DMX and executing the cues but it doesn't let me to do anything else. For example I can not select any channels, Direct Selects or even a Preset (from the actual hardware of the desk). 

    Any ideas why this happens? Is there any way of solving this problem?




  • Are you sending MIDI Note commands to Congo?

    If so, are you sending both NOTE ON (which will press a Congo button) and NOTE OFF (which will release the button again)?

    Without NOTE OFF commands, the console will think that the buttons are still pressed and used in combination with new buttons.

  • As the manual says, MIDI Notes are pressing the console keys.

    Therefore, if you send a "Note On" without a "Note Off", the key is still being held down - so you're making (probably invalid) key combinations.

    MIDI Notes are not a recommended way to do show control for two main reasons:

    1. It's really easy to forget to "let go" of a key
      - thus blocking everything until it's released or you press (and release!) [Esc].
    2. If you are doing something at the same time as the MIDI input happens it becomes the same as somebody leaning over your shoulder hitting buttons.

    I would recommend MIDI Show Control in most cases, as that part of MIDI is designed for show control and drives the Main Playback perfectly.

    MIDI Controllers are of course a great way to drive the faders.

    MIDI Timecode will run sequences placed on any Playback - both Master Playbacks and the Main Playback.

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for your comments both are really helpful.

    Kind regards,

