Fault message during show, "lost contact with usb"

I've had the same faultmessage now 2 times during show saying I've lost contact with an usb device (I don't have any connected) between the two times I had one show without any problems. To regain control over the console (CongoJR) I've had to restart it. 

Anyone who knows what the problem could be? I'm quite keen on solving it since it occurs during show...

The venue has problems with static electricity, could this cause problems with the lightingdesk?


  • there can be USB-errors even if you have nothing connected externally because various components of your console are connected internally through USB.

    i would suggest you call tech services:

    "For Emergency Service Please Contact One of Our Offices:

    For Technical support in the Americas please call 800/688-4116 or 608/831-4116
    For Technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000
    For Technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220"

