During our church service today, our Congo Jr. locked up and we had to force a shutdown, luckily our Unison system was able to take control and save the look on the stage. 

What would be causing these lock ups? This is the 3rd time this has happened. Is our console damaged?

We are running v6.3.2. And these lock ups have been happening since we had v6.0.4


[edited by: ian_wright at 11:15 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Mar 10 2013]
  • Hi Ian, 

    what do you mean exactly by "locked up"? 

    The console stopped responding to any facepanel

    button presses? If so did the mouse continue working? 

    Or did a small window pop up saying Congo has crashed? 

    Or something else? 

    How old is this Congo Jr? 


    I think its best if you contact your dealer or ETC directly to help

    you further: 

    "For Emergency Service Please Contact One of Our Offices:

    For Technical support in the Americas please call 800/688-4116 or 608/831-4116
    For Technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000
    For Technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220"



  • Corey,

    The orange hourglass was up in the corner like it was trying to process information. I wasn't able to get the software to respond or the facepanel. The mouse continued to work but there was an hourglass there too.

    After about a minute, the fixtures and racks lost DMX connection, but the Dimming racks "wait and see" held the stage look long enough for us to shut down the console and reboot it.

    I personally don't know how old the Congo Jr is... but my best guess would be 5-6 years old.

  • Hi Ian,

    if this happens again, could you press the ESC key on the Console a couple times,

    and see if you have access to the console again.

    Is a network file server entered into Setup in the console? 

    Is the console connected to a network?

    What USB Devices are connected to the console? Mouse? Keyboard? USB Stick? Hub? Wing? 

    Have you been able to contact your dealer or the ETC Hotline Number nearest you?   

  • I have had it happen before where the ESC key worked, but this time it was a complete lock up of both the facepanel and the software. There is no network file server but it the console is on a network.

    There is a USB mouse, keyboard, and a Master Playback wing.

    I just go into contact with our dealer this morning, I am sending her the show file and Congo Logs.


    Is there any other information that I can provide?
