Starting a chase from the playbacks

Hi all,

Can someone remind me how you set up a chase to start as you playback a preset and then stop it several presets later. Basic stuff I know but I keep going round in ever smaller circles.

Many thanks


  • Hi John -

    The function you're looking for is a "Master Link". You can assign the master with the chase on it to fade up with one sequence step, and then fade it out again with another Master Link later in the sequence.


    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah,

    Prompt as ever.

    The chase is running in master 20, I have, for the sake of keeping it simple, 3 presets, 1,2 & 3. I want the chase to start on p1 and stop on p3.

    In my sequence list I can see the heading Master Link and Master Page. Master link does not allow me to put 20 into the text box for preset 1 where I would expect to put it, where am I going wrong?

    Happy New Year


  • Hi John,

    In Preset 1 you type in 100 and then press and hold [Insert] and then press the Master Assign Key [20]. You should now see on the bottom of you screen {Masterlink created}. Then you go to Preset where you want it to stop and type in [0] and then press and hold [Insert] and then press the Master assign key of the appropriate Master.

    If you run your sequence now you see that the chase will snap in and out. If you want to assign a time to it you open your sequence list and hit [Modify] on the column Masterlink . There you can assign the in time. If you want to assign an out time you also have to use the in field.


    I hope that helps


  • Hi John,

    In Preset 1 you type in 100 and then press and hold [Insert] and then press the Master Assign Key [20]. You should now see on the bottom of you screen {Masterlink created}. Then you go to Preset where you want it to stop and type in [0] and then press and hold [Insert] and then press the Master assign key of the appropriate Master.

    If you run your sequence now you see that the chase will snap in and out. If you want to assign a time to it you open your sequence list and hit [Modify] on the column Masterlink . There you can assign the in time. If you want to assign an out time you also have to use the in field.


    I hope that helps

