congo system volume error message

Occasionally when starting up our Congo (Congo senior, V5 software) we get an error message on startup that reads "Warning - The File Directory C:\System Volume Information\_restore{82F6........} is corrupt and unreadable.  Please run the Chkdsk utility."  After clicking OK, Congo boots up and runs fine, loading in the last saved show and everything is working great.  I just want to get rid of the error message, any ideas?

  • Hi Michelle, 

    this error usually comes when at some point the Congo console

    lost power before properly booting down. You will need to run the

    chkdsk utility to clear the error. Without being on a console or in the 

    office, I believe this utility was first added to the Setup Menu in v6. 

    V6 adds many new and exciting features. Could you update to the 

    current v6.3.2 Software at your next convience? You can download 

    the software for free from our website and unpack the zipfile to a usb

    stick and then in the Setup Menu, the update can be installed. 

    After v6 is installed, you will have in the very right last Setup Tab Menu, 

    a new utility Chkdsk. After running this, your error should disappear. 
