Time issues

Hi all,

    We have had a Congo since 06. The question i have is when running a sequence some cues have channel times and when we hit the go button the lights that go out in a set time just blackout. But the werid thing is it is not the same each time i try the cue some times it works and some times it doesn't.Is this a know issue or am i the only one having trouble??

[edited by: gfcld at 3:33 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jan 13 2008]
Parents Reply
  • Can you send a copy of a showfile displaying this behaviour to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com, along with a quick description of the problem and which sequence step(s) you're seeing it in?

    That way we can have a look and try to reproduce the problem, and hence fix it!

    It is fairly easy to set a Channel Time of zero, but then the selected channels would always snap (when playing the sequence forwards) rather than just sometimes...
