Connect WYSIWYG With Congo and Windows Seven

Hi everybody,

I would like to connect wysiwyg with a congo offline version, my configuration is :

- Wysiwyg release 25 on a computer with windows seven pro

- Congo Offline version 6.3.2 on an other computer with windows seven pro

- My two computer is on the same network and the connection is ok (i ping the other computer in both directions)

- All connection in my firewall is open and ok

- ETC NET2 on Congo Offline is activated

- Enable output in offline mode on Congo Offline is activated

- ETC NET2 V4 and CITP on Wyg is activated

- I have load a congo consol in Wysiwyg and i have the same patch (EDMX) on Wyg and the Congo

When i see in the Congo Offline in > Browser > General settings > Network, i have a Network device with Wysiwyg in the list but is appears (4 second) and disappears (4 second) and is flashing like that all the time.... and whwn i would like to connect the congo in Wyg i have the message "Could not connect the following consoles : Congo"

Somebody hase an explanation ?

Thank you for your answer and sorry for my bad english.

Best regards.

