Scroller Calibration Editor

I have a question about the scroller calibration editor.  We’ve noticed that when for whatever reason we need to re-calibrate a scroller after presets are written, the preset does not reference the new calibration, but retains the level it was when the preset was originally written.  We then have to go back into the preset and change the level there.

 Is there any way to make the preset reference the updated calibration much like it would with an updated palette?


  • Dear all,

    being quite annoyed when working with my scrollers, I found this old post that deals with exactly my problem.

    The online-help says, this was fixed in 5.0. We are using 5.1 and I still end up with my palettes NOT updating after the calibration. Am I missing a confirmation or something else?

    By the way: When creating my palettes I stepped through the scroller roll using # WHEEL KEY, so I don't think it's possible that there were some half-colours in my palettes.

    Thanks for an advice,


  • This should be working fine since 5.0 so there is something strange happening here.

    Can you email your showfile to congo (at) along with a short description of the problem - Which scrollers you've tried to recalibrate, and which Presets/Palettes did not accept the new values.

    It would be even better if you could send a 'before' and 'after' version of the showfile - one of the ".001" through ".009" auto-backups of the show are likely to be a 'before ' version.

  • Are your palettes recorded by Device or By Device Type? Color palettes default to By Device Type, which means only one channel is used to determine the output level for any device of that type. To get the full benefit of scroller calibration and color palettes, the palette must be recorded by device, which stores unique data for each channel and will allow each channel to recall its calibrated information. I just tried this out in v6.0.2 and it is working there.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Sarah, Richard,


    thanks for the answers. It really seems that my original scroller roll definition is corrupt.

    I was able to create a new play, patch nothing but my set of scrollers and create a new scroller roll. Then I imported this roll into my showfile and everything seems fine.

    However I'll send you the showfile if you wanna try some bugfixing...


    Thanks, Mario
