Scroller Calibration Editor

I have a question about the scroller calibration editor.  We’ve noticed that when for whatever reason we need to re-calibrate a scroller after presets are written, the preset does not reference the new calibration, but retains the level it was when the preset was originally written.  We then have to go back into the preset and change the level there.

 Is there any way to make the preset reference the updated calibration much like it would with an updated palette?


  • Hi Sarah,

    The best way I have fount to do this is re calibrate all your scrollers, the re-call your group hold Colour and go to each colour with direct keys and press update Pallet. If not do it the long way and go to pallet editor and select the column and re do it to your new scrollers Calibration.

     If your recording by just scoller Col Direct keys this should auto update presets when you re do your calibration.

    Hope this makes sense it does in my head. Im sure this is a long way to do it as well, but someone like Richard or ETC Sarah might tell us a faster way to do this.


    [edited by: cknapper at 10:10 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jan 18 2008]
  • Unfortunately scroller calibration isn't referenced data, so there are no shortcuts to propagate scroller calibration data through the recorded Presets.

    Carl's suggestion of updating the calibration, and then updating your colour palettes in turn is currently the best method available.

  • Hello Sarah!

    WOW!!! I think this would be called "caught with the pants down"!!!!!

    Fortunatly I've been working in a new theater with new clean gelstrings so I haven't needed to calibrate after programming. I have to admit that this comes as a big surprise!

    I have always belived that the Congo had a good way of handling scrollers. It looked more or less like the Safari way. Beeing an ex-Safari user I was therefor quite easy to fool... In my opinion the frame-reference part is one of the basic things you expect when having a dedicated scroller-handeling...

    I made a quick scan in the manual, and of course I didn't find anything about this. Only how to make and calibrate the rolls...

    I hope this issue is among the top few on the wishlist. If not, it would be better to just clear out the whole thing about scrollerrolls and make templates for them. If you have to make palletes for them anyway, I guess a template with subranges would work just as good.

    It would be good to hear others sharing my frustration here - or am I the only one missing this? (hope not...)


    Thanks Sarah! I've just started making the default-play for a operahouse with about 250 scrollers in the standard rig. Got this just in time!


    All the best!

    Nils Haagenrud

  • Hi Nils,

    Unfortunately you are not alone being frustrated about this issue.... Hopefully this will get fixed soon.

    Have a good time playing with your 250 scrollers!

  • I'm actually pretty surprised the topic has not come up before, but I guess if you have a new console, you are also likely to have new scrollers as well.  I am not so fortunate and am having to fix my scrollers quite frequently.



  • Doesn't look like we're gonna get any comment from ETC either.

    I guess they're better off not speaking to much about it...


  • Hi Nilsh,

    Richard above is from ETC.




  • Hi Guys

    Sarah Clausen, the Congo product manager has been on holiday for one week and then traveling in Europe the following week. She is probably swamped with information to reply to. We always make an attempt to answer and will not dodge any issues. This forum should always be an open communication device. Please understand that Sarah bears the big burden of managing these types of issues and she has been out of pocket.

    If I am reading it correctly, the question of this thread is whether or not scroller frames are referenced data (like Palette data) or absolute data (just plain DMX values.) The scroller calibration changes the DMX values output when a frame is selected manually - but as far as I understand it - the desk records the absolute DMX value to the preset. Therefore the calibration editor will not work when correcting an old scroll on a show that was cued while the scroll was new. The way to do this ofcourse is to setup all your scroll colors as palettes. Then you can bring up the palette and recalibrate one time - update the pallete and the show is updated.

    The concept of making scroller frames referenced data directly is very interesting though. It is logical to do so since you know that the data will change over time. Then you could skip the step of making them into palettes and calling them up as palettes. The frame data would be like a new type of reference data, a "scroller palette" so to speak. It sounds like a good idea to me. The Congo team should consider this.

    David Lincecum

  • You are absolutely right David.

    At this time, it makes absolutely no sense to calibrate scrollers, since they won't be updated in the sequence. So we have to do it the other way by creating palettes, which for me is a waste of time when it comes to use scrollers in a sequence. Calibrating scrollers should be the easiest way to update referenced data, but the whole part is missing... too bad.
  • In the last weeks, I have tried to find the time to investigate this closer to give you a proper answer. However, it has been pretty busy. That is why it has been a bit more quiet than usually. Finally, it seems like I will be able to give it a closer look.

    The problem (and the reason why it isn't stored by reference) is that you should be able to store values in between scroller frames. If you were restricted to use only whole frames, we could have stored the frame number in the presets (and calibration would have worked on recorded data as well).

    Currently, we store the raw values, which is the root of the problem.

    I'll investigate if we could update the stored values when you modify the calibration for a device. This would work with the existing storage and make calibration work as it should.

    I am not sure if this can be done in a safe way yet and if it could be implemented in the next version. However, since there has been a lot of discussions about this lately, I just want to let you know that we are working on a solution.



  • cknapper:

    Hi Sarah,

    The best way I have fount to do this is re calibrate all your scrollers, the re-call your group hold Colour and go to each colour with direct keys and press update Pallet. If not do it the long way and go to pallet editor and select the column and re do it to your new scrollers Calibration.

     If your recording by just scoller Col Direct keys this should auto update presets when you re do your calibration.

    Hope this makes sense it does in my head. Im sure this is a long way to do it as well, but someone like Richard or ETC Sarah might tell us a faster way to do this.



    Sorry forgot to say if you know your scroll roll as you should just press the Colour number in updating pallets and this will take you straight to it instead of scrolling down 16 frames of numbers. So if your updating L132 just press 132 and it takes you to that frame, and so on....If you are using 798 and there is no more starting with 7 just hit 7 you get the idea of it now. Even better select all the coloum and update all your scrollers in 1 hit.

    Works for me.......Takes minuets to do all mine. 


    [edited by: cknapper at 7:32 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 28 2008] I had a look when I could start my Congo offline and its the colour number you need to input not the frame number as I first wrote, Sorry
  • The scroller calibration system has now been changed. When you exit the Scroller Calibration Editor for a device, recorded frame values in presets  and palettes will now be updated to use the newly calibrated values. (Values between frame values won't be affected.)

    This means that it should now be possible to use the calibration like you want.

    This change will be released together with the next major Congo release. More information about delivery dates will be given shortly.


  • That's excellent news Anders.  Thank you so much!


  • Wow!

    Thanks a lot Anders!

    This really made my week!


