6.4.1 release issue


i just installed this release that looked pretty cool, but i found some problems:

- It freezed, in about 3 days, four or five times, when i used the menu: control - device - reset, lamp off etc...

- I opened a new show with clean patch, imported a patch from another show and patched new channels.

The new channels appear as patched in the output tab, but when going up with the channel in the live tab the fixture doesn't light up, and in the output tab no 0-255 value appears, like no signal is sended by the consolle.

Only not importing patch solved the problem.

Are these know issues to you?





  • Hello,

    I found.that even channel database won't be imported, so i ask again: have any of you faced these problems with 6.4.1 version?

  • alabamaman said:


    I found.that even channel database won't be imported, so i ask again: have any of you faced these problems with 6.4.1 version?

    If you drag the Channel Database item from another show file in the Import Organizer, all the corresponding text fields should be imported. Can you please tell us more about what you are doing and in what way it doesn't work? If the problem persist, can you please send us the show file you are importing from and the show file you are importing to with a note about what you are doing? Send to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com.



  • alabamaman said:


    I found.that even channel database won't be imported, so i ask again: have any of you faced these problems with 6.4.1 version?

    If you drag the Channel Database item from another show file in the Import Organizer, all the corresponding text fields should be imported. Can you please tell us more about what you are doing and in what way it doesn't work? If the problem persist, can you please send us the show file you are importing from and the show file you are importing to with a note about what you are doing? Send to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com.



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