I want to active or inactive all flash keys like pronto or presto. It is possible, I have tried C+FLashMode et setup+flashMode but it is only possible to choose flash mode for each key
and I never now if flash is running or not.
If you hold down the Flash Mode key the LCD above the masters will show if Flash mode is set to On, Off or Solo for each master. You can use the Assign key to toggle thru all these options. So it's easy and fast to check in which mode they are and to change mode.
An overall setting like we had in Pronto does not exist anymore since we now have dedicated flash keys on Congo.
The two fastest ways to set the Flash Mode for all Masters in the currently active pages are as follows:
Or (assuming they're all set the same at the moment):
As Oskar mentioned, the reason for this is that Congo lets you have a different Flash Mode for each Master - some can be Solo while others are disabled and others are active.