Software update on old congo Jnr?

Hey guys,

first post so be nice!

I work in a college as the technician and we have a congo junior. The OS version is 7.5. and the firmware version is V5.0.1


i would like to update this because as far as i am aware this is really old? i'm slightly worried about doing it as i havent done it before and some places i have read say on older consoles be careful about re-imaging it?


hope this post is in the right forum !

  • Software is located here!

  • This is absolutely fine.
    On some Congo jrs (actually slightly newer than yours) there was a driver change that would need a re-image to update to v6.x.x. Yours is fine.

    You can update your console straight to the latest version of Congo Family console software, following the "v5 and newer" instructions in the Release Note.

    The Congo jr Downloads page will always contain the latest version and its release note:

    (The link Glenn provided is for version 6.4.1, so will be out of date after the next release)

    If your console is connected to a network (eg ethernet-controlled dimmers, DMX Nodes/Gateways, iRFR/aRFR etc) then you'll also want to install the latest version of Gateway Configuration Editor/Net3 Services:

    (If the console isn't on a network this update doesn't really matter much.)

    If you get stuck, you can always call your local ETC support and we'll talk you through it:

    For technical support in the Americas, please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116.
    For technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000.
    For technical support in Germany, please call (+49) 8024 4700-0
    For technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:39 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Sep 19 2013]