Virtual dimmer for LED's

Hi All,

I have led strip with 10 pixels RGB. Every pixel is controled separatly.

How can I use a dynamic effect for intensity?

  • Patch each pixel as a Generic > RGB - so 10 desk channels.

    Then just treat them the same as anything else and have fun with Effects!

    - To build your own templates that do this, tick the "Fade With Intensity" option for each of the additive colour mixing parameters (Red, Green, Blue etc) and ensure their Home and Highlight are at "maximum intensity" (usually 255).

    The console will then automatically master them with the 'virtual' dimmer.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:55 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 3 2013]
  • Patch each pixel as a Generic > RGB - so 10 desk channels.

    Then just treat them the same as anything else and have fun with Effects!

    - To build your own templates that do this, tick the "Fade With Intensity" option for each of the additive colour mixing parameters (Red, Green, Blue etc) and ensure their Home and Highlight are at "maximum intensity" (usually 255).

    The console will then automatically master them with the 'virtual' dimmer.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:55 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 3 2013]