Congo Jnr Live not loading?



We have recently had this issue arise. The live screen on our congo jnr isnt loading.

It worked fine a few weeks ago in our last performance. I have updated it to the latest software since discovering the issue but still no luck. I have attached a photo of the screen in its current non working state.


Any help would be greatly appriecated






  • Looks like the graphics card has forgotten to draw the contents of the tab.

    You can probably remind it by exiting to System Settings and changing the resolution of monitor #2 to something else, reboot, restart Congo, then exit and change the resolution back to what it's supposed to be.

    If that doesn't work, contact your local ETC support.

  • Looks like the graphics card has forgotten to draw the contents of the tab.

    You can probably remind it by exiting to System Settings and changing the resolution of monitor #2 to something else, reboot, restart Congo, then exit and change the resolution back to what it's supposed to be.

    If that doesn't work, contact your local ETC support.

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