Creating an Intensity palette on Congo Jr



I'm coming from an ION background and to program our show we usually create presets on the ION that have intensity information and use those to create a bunch of cues.  We use only conventional lights.


I am trying to recreate that on the Congo Jr and it seems like a Global palette is the right thing but it doesn't seem to be picking up the intensity attribute of my conventional lights.  Is this the right way of going about copying the Preset function I'm used to using on the ION and if so how do we get it to work?  If not then what on the Congo can replicate this function of recalling intensity information but still being able to modify the source of the reference?

  • Hi there -

    Congo consoles don't use cues, we only use Presets, and the concept of a preset is essentially the same between Eos and Congo - channels can contain intensity information in a preset, as well as raw or referenced palette information for non-intensity parameters. In Congo, we stack up Presets to make sequences (cue lists) and those presets can be stacked in any order - strictly numerical or in whatever order you need for the show. Presets can also be reused over and over within a sequence, across many sequences, or on master playbacks (like submasters). That's the structural difference between Ion and Congo. Now to your situation and what you're trying to do...

    Congo does not have a sub-reference object for intensity within presets. Intensity is always raw data. (Palettes would be a sub-reference object for focus, color and beam, for example.) You can recall stored intensities from other presets easily using the FETCH command, or by puching presets into live and storing new presets. You can also store intensity levels into groups and use that as a basis for storing presets, however the level is not referenced by presets and changes to the group will not cause any other object to change stored intensity levels.

    To use FETCH: store your basic looks into presets. Later select those channels (you can use the preset to do this as well, like a group - using # PRESET) and then type # FETCH, where the # is the source preset number.

    To pile presets on top of each other in live: type # PRESET & @ LEVEL to push the contents of preset # into live. Repeat with other preset numbers to compile a look made up of the contents of other presets. (If a channel has a level in more than one of these presets, the last preset recalled will win.) Subsequent changes to the source presets will not update any composite presets recorded later - there is no reference for intensity levels.

    To use groups: type # GROUP & @ LEVEL to recall all channels in the group # at their recorded levels. Changes to groups will not update any presets recorded using groups - there is no reference for intensity levels.

    Or, if the situation allows it, you can reuse a preset over and over to get the same look. Changes made to the preset would play back in subsequent sequence steps, because the same preset is used over and over.

    Does this help at all?

    Thanks much-


