Unexpected FCB Delay behavior

Hello all,

Something a little odd just happened, & I don't exactly get it. I'm running a Sequence more or less out of order, jumping around as needed--it's a holiday concert, they're making it up as they go along. 

Unnoticed, one of my Presets had 100% Delay set for all parameters, F, C, B. The only changes happening here are color and intensity. When I [#] [GOTO]'d that step, (it was step 3, Preset 801) color faded normally throughout the 10-second crossfade time--even though the crossfade graphic showed the FCB delays--and when it reached the end of the Delay & start of attribute fade proper, the color snapped back to the previous Preset and then faded to the proper one again in 10. It was a very noticeable change, we all jumped :).

Finding the Delay on the Preset surprised me, as I had not set it, though Step 1/Preset 1 had a Delay left over from the show it had been imported from. What exactly is up, here? With all attributes delayed, I would not have expected the color fade to start immediately, nor snap back.


[edited by: Anne S at 10:27 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Nov 29 2013] Hey, 100th post!
  • Hi Anne -

    Did the preset get imported from a particularly old show file? The snapping thing sounds very odd, but the delay time behavior changed at some point. A 100% time used to be imposed and it would calculate from the delay time on the In time, which made no sense at all for movers. We changed it to calculate based on the IN time itself and default the values to *** now, which should mean no delay at all. Just thinking that that might be where the 100% came from.

    Thanks -


  • Sorry, all, I'm not getting forum notifications, will check my settings. 

    Stoney Cook, Congo 6.41 on a Sr; and Sarah, I think you have answered my question about why the delay existed at all. The preset had been imported from a fairly old showfile, and being an 801, it was probably the top of a sequence at one point. (For a show I plan to run manually, sometimes I'll slap a bunch of presets on masters, slot them into a sequence for easy editing, and spend the whole show bouncing back and forth between the main playback and the masters.) So, at some point, 801 probably had the FCB delay forced on it and because I'd spent the show jumping about, I'd never seen it happen before.

    The snapping thing though--very strange. I dug down into the preset timing and found no delays there. I'm not sure forwarding an unfixed copy of the showfile could tell you anything, as it seemed utterly unrelated to the recorded timing data. I did see it happen more than twice, though.



  • Sorry, all, I'm not getting forum notifications, will check my settings. 

    Stoney Cook, Congo 6.41 on a Sr; and Sarah, I think you have answered my question about why the delay existed at all. The preset had been imported from a fairly old showfile, and being an 801, it was probably the top of a sequence at one point. (For a show I plan to run manually, sometimes I'll slap a bunch of presets on masters, slot them into a sequence for easy editing, and spend the whole show bouncing back and forth between the main playback and the masters.) So, at some point, 801 probably had the FCB delay forced on it and because I'd spent the show jumping about, I'd never seen it happen before.

    The snapping thing though--very strange. I dug down into the preset timing and found no delays there. I'm not sure forwarding an unfixed copy of the showfile could tell you anything, as it seemed utterly unrelated to the recorded timing data. I did see it happen more than twice, though.



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