Congo jr and ArKaos

Hello Congousers!

I´m using ArKaos VJ 3.6 DMX to my Congo Jr consoll but don´t understand a cupple of things.

I can´t get thumnails, pictur- and movie-namnes into the consoll (Should i have a special ArKaos version)?

I have a film (Quicktime) with sound. But between two shows the sound is turned of and i have to restart ArKaos. What can i do about thees things?

:-) Joakim

  • Hi Joakim,

    You should make sure that you have the latest ArKaos version (the one I have is called 3.6 FC5).

    In the Congo Browser, under Network Devices, can you see the ArKaos listed? Have you connected to it (pressing MODIFY on this node)?

    If you get connected properly, you should see information about the number of layers on the ArKaos line in the Browser and the thumbnails + media names will be transferred.

    Note: In the upcoming version 4.3 for Congo there is improved support for ArKaos where the effect names also gets transferred.

    Regarding the QuickTime problems with ArKaos, I recommend you to contact the ArKaos support team.


  • Hi Joakim,

    You should make sure that you have the latest ArKaos version (the one I have is called 3.6 FC5).

    In the Congo Browser, under Network Devices, can you see the ArKaos listed? Have you connected to it (pressing MODIFY on this node)?

    If you get connected properly, you should see information about the number of layers on the ArKaos line in the Browser and the thumbnails + media names will be transferred.

    Note: In the upcoming version 4.3 for Congo there is improved support for ArKaos where the effect names also gets transferred.

    Regarding the QuickTime problems with ArKaos, I recommend you to contact the ArKaos support team.

