Touchscreen recommendation for Congo

Just loaded the new Cobalt software on my Congo.  I like a lot of the new interface, but it sure would be handier with a touchscreen.  What touchscreen would you recommend, manufacture and size, to replicate the screens that the new software was developed for?  The Congo information pages that had the drivers on them seem to have disappeared from the site, so I'm not sure what displays would even work with the system.


  • I'm using this one, and I really love it with Cobalt: 

    ELO TOUCHSYSTEMS 1915L(E607608) Dark gray 19" Dual serial/USB 5-wire Resistive Touchscreen Monitor 240 cd/m2 800:1

    I just got it recently--it was a breeze to set up and really makes the DS Dock work like a dream. The only thing that's not perfect for me right now is double-click timing for buttons like 'Home;' it seems to want a slower pace than I do. I think it's something I can calibrate, but haven't dug into it yet to be sure. (Had Congo benched last week to run an Eos for a guest LD; once I get it all back together I'll find out for you.) 



  • Thanks for the recommendation Anne,

    Just as an update, I picked up a ELO 2200L, it worked great right out of the box.  I played quite a bit with it, but won't get to program for a couple of weeks, I'm looking forward to it, the new Direct Selects and Device Control docks are really cool with the touchscreen.  It makes me want to push for getting a Cobalt console, except I would really miss the trackball, it's just so easy to Pan/Tilt with it.

  • JR, are you having any trouble with the GelPicker in the Device Controls Dock?

    On my external touchscreen I've been having variable results: typing [#] then hitting the manufacturer sometimes takes as many as five or six tries to "take"--although the screen registers my touch by giving me the green up/down arrow, it doesn't activate the data for the gel. Wen through a bout of this a couple of weeks ago, very frustrating, then just recently it became more reliable: 1 or 2 tries. I'm not conscious of doing anything different, though I may be hitting it harder :). This is not behavior I see on the internal touchscreen of a Cobalt 10, so I think it's on ELO's end.

    I also notice my calibration wandering, so I calibrate it more often than I'd prefer. Minor issues, though.  

  • Haven't played much with the Gel picker on the touchscreen, mostly use the color picker.  I have some programming to do tomorrow and will try to play with it.

    I have noticed having to recalibrate the touchscreen though, do it at the start of each new production.  It's not way off, but it is off enough that hitting the smaller buttons at the top of the Direct Selects seems to be tricky.  

    How are you liking the Cobalt 10?  I'm running on a full size Congo and a Congo Jr, but have been eyeing the new hardware...

  • Haven't played much with the Gel picker on the touchscreen, mostly use the color picker.  I have some programming to do tomorrow and will try to play with it.

    I have noticed having to recalibrate the touchscreen though, do it at the start of each new production.  It's not way off, but it is off enough that hitting the smaller buttons at the top of the Direct Selects seems to be tricky.  

    How are you liking the Cobalt 10?  I'm running on a full size Congo and a Congo Jr, but have been eyeing the new hardware...

  • Played with the gel picker this morning.  It seems to be sensitive to how long the touch lasts.  I found that if I just poked it quick it worked very consistently, but if my finger lingered any amount of time it did not register.  It may have something to do with the mouse settings of the touchscreen, and if you stay on it for longer that it wants it registers as a click and drag.  

  • Thanks! I think you are correct--I may just need to tweak the screen settings. Or just get a little more assertive with my tapping. 

    I don't have anything sophisticated to say about the Cobalt 10 yet so I'll just say I really enjoy its ergonomics. The key shape is user-friendly: Obsession II-style, which I like because I tend to be a little sloppy in my keystrokes and I find that cap shape helps my precision. The layout is, of course, compact, key action is good, I like the tension on the wheels, and the internal touchscreens are as handy as everyone knew they'd be.
