Congo v4.3.4 now available! (RFR Support only)

Hi all -

We have released a new software patch for Congo - available here - that supports the new configuration of the Net3 Radio Focus Remote (RFR). No other changes have been made in this version, so if you do not own a new RFR unit there is no need to update your console to this version.

If you do currently own an RFR, please note that ETC will be replacing that unit free of charge with a new RFR with more robust radio transmission and a new keypad layout. Once you receive your new RFR, please make sure to update your console to v4.3.4 so that the key presses are interpreted correctly by your console. Please feel free to contact ETC Technical Support to schedule the replacement of your RFR. You can find contact details for your closest ETC office here.

Thanks much -


Please note: This release is for the Net3 Radio Focus Remote (RFR) unit, not for the Congo Radio Remote Focus Unit (cRRFU).  There have been no changes to the cRRFU.

[edited by: sclausen at 4:55 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Mar 27 2008] Added note about RFR vs cRRFU.