RPN AT Mode, Submaster linear, ...


Im from Krakow, Slowacki Theatre 

1.We are using AT Mode i Congo. But in AT Mode some shortcuts not work. ex.("+" as next chnel) Why? Shortcut is from from english manual : )

2.Next case. I have presets on submasters. But masters whith atributes not work linear. Where chanege this option.

3.How I can record only focus atributs as preset to submaster?


[edited by: Michał at 12:21 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Mar 08 2008] [edited by: Michał at 7:47 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 07 2008]
    1. Certain shortcuts are disabled in "At Mode" as they interfere with normal channel selection.
      • For example, if you hit [Chan] 1 [+] the console couldn't know if you mean "Channel 1 and something else" or "Channel 1, next"
      • You can always use the [Next] and [Last] keys to step through channels in either RPN or At mode.
    2. The option you want is "Disable Master Rubberband" in [Setup] > "Masters". Make sure it's not ticked. You can also choose "Rubberband: Return on fade down" if you want the lights to move back to their previous positions when you pull the fader down again.
    3. Don't record direct to a Master using [Record]&[Master Key] as that grabs all attributes. Instead:
      1. [Setup] & [Playback], untick "Build Sequence" (to make sure the preset doesn't get added to the Main Playback)
      2. Select the fixtures you want.
      3. Ensure you only change the Focus attributes of the fixtures - they'll go purple.
        • You can clear the change flags for other attributes using the [Clear Changed] softkey with [Colour] and [Beam]
      4. Optionally type a number for the preset.
      5. Hit [Record]
      6. On the Advanced tab, ensure that Record Attribute Mode is "Automatic" and that "Record All Attributes" is not ticked.
      7. Type the P-Text if required.
      8. Hit [Record] to confirm.
      9. Type the number for the Preset, then hold [Preset] and hit the relevant [Master Key]
      10. Finally, [Setup] & [Playback] to re-tick "Build Sequence" if necessary.

    Any help?

    [edited by: Richard at 10:26 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 07 2008]
    1. Certain shortcuts are disabled in "At Mode" as they interfere with normal channel selection.
      • For example, if you hit [Chan] 1 [+] the console couldn't know if you mean "Channel 1 and something else" or "Channel 1, next"
      • You can always use the [Next] and [Last] keys to step through channels in either RPN or At mode.
    2. The option you want is "Disable Master Rubberband" in [Setup] > "Masters". Make sure it's not ticked. You can also choose "Rubberband: Return on fade down" if you want the lights to move back to their previous positions when you pull the fader down again.
    3. Don't record direct to a Master using [Record]&[Master Key] as that grabs all attributes. Instead:
      1. [Setup] & [Playback], untick "Build Sequence" (to make sure the preset doesn't get added to the Main Playback)
      2. Select the fixtures you want.
      3. Ensure you only change the Focus attributes of the fixtures - they'll go purple.
        • You can clear the change flags for other attributes using the [Clear Changed] softkey with [Colour] and [Beam]
      4. Optionally type a number for the preset.
      5. Hit [Record]
      6. On the Advanced tab, ensure that Record Attribute Mode is "Automatic" and that "Record All Attributes" is not ticked.
      7. Type the P-Text if required.
      8. Hit [Record] to confirm.
      9. Type the number for the Preset, then hold [Preset] and hit the relevant [Master Key]
      10. Finally, [Setup] & [Playback] to re-tick "Build Sequence" if necessary.

    Any help?

    [edited by: Richard at 10:26 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 07 2008]