quick start guide for congo jr ?

Hey , 

I have to work with the congo jr + playback wing soon , but for a 'low tech' production that will not require much.
The only lighttable ive ever worked with is an rather old lightcommander , so this the congo jr is quite skabam hypernewmodern stuff to me. 
Someone said me there is a 50or so page 'quick basic start guide' for this table , that can pull you through all the most basic things  , but i can only find the entire user manual of 800 pages....

I should get to know the real basics asap, mainly how to assign channels to the faders  , make some chasers ..
Can anyone help me find this manual ? Does it exist ?


  • Hi Grimm,

    There is a shortened cheat sheet with reminders of the basic syntax and functions available here: http://www.etcconnect.com/docs/docs_downloads/manuals/Congo_v6.4_CS_vA.pdf

    What I would recommend however is that you start with the Tutorial Videos available here: http://www.etcconnect.com/support.tutorialseries.aspx?seriesId=17

    Finally, there are short lessons, called Tea Break Tutorials, designed to learn the console's functions in 15 minute segments, available here: http://www.etcconnect.com/support.tutorialseries.aspx?seriesId=13

    As always, if you run into questions, this forum can help as well as your local ETC Technical Support office.



  • Hi Grimm

    I recommend a mix of approaches.

    The chapter "Workflow in Congo" Chapter is designed to give you an idea about what you need to do, when and how. It is linked into the rest of the manual.

    Another feature is to hold the ? key and press any key to get a quick idea what it does. From there you are linked to the correct pages in the help system.

    Also there is a very basic tutorial in the end of the help system.

    Once you get under the skin of the system you will be able to start guessing how things are done, because the programming structure is very simple and consistent. At this point there is an appendix in the help system with a summary of all key shortcuts sorted by what you are doing. 

    Have fun. We're here for you.  


  • Wow what a fast responses ! Thank you very much ! I will dive into the video's and learn as much as i can. We can get into the space 2 weeks before the show starts so i would have time to practice around with the equipment, together with these tutorials videos it might all turn out easier as it looks :) 
    Thanks !  

  • You may also take a look at the Congo Tea Break Tutorials located in the training section:


    - and do not fear!  It is also possible to use a Congo console more or less like a manual preset console for basic operations :-)




  • Also remember, you can set the desk into @-mode in system settings. Depending on your background that might make your live so much easier.



  • Hi Flo , where can i find this @ mode ? 
    I have installed the congo software on my desktop computer yesterday so i would be able to get familiar with the interface already , but i can't find this @ mode ?

    I have very little experience as a light technician and it's honestly making me quite anxious to have to work with such a table. I have been reading most of the help already , but it's not really making me that much wiser.

    As the stage has plenty of enough dimmers and there will be only conventional lights used , i will patch it 1:1 . 
    I would need to figure out how to assign those channels to the faders on the playback wing, individually or as a group of channels and how to assign some channels to the independents for the working lights . 
    As there will also be sometimes a small party going on , i would need to be programm some simple chasers to make some party light atmosphere with a bunch of PAR cans , if possible with the table reacting to the music ? 

  • Hi Flo , where can i find this @ mode ? 
    I have installed the congo software on my desktop computer yesterday so i would be able to get familiar with the interface already , but i can't find this @ mode ?

    I have very little experience as a light technician and it's honestly making me quite anxious to have to work with such a table. I have been reading most of the help already , but it's not really making me that much wiser.

    As the stage has plenty of enough dimmers and there will be only conventional lights used , i will patch it 1:1 . 
    I would need to figure out how to assign those channels to the faders on the playback wing, individually or as a group of channels and how to assign some channels to the independents for the working lights . 
    As there will also be sometimes a small party going on , i would need to be programm some simple chasers to make some party light atmosphere with a bunch of PAR cans , if possible with the table reacting to the music ? 

  • grimm said:
    Hi Flo , where can i find this @ mode ? 

    Start Congo Offline and click on System settings.... 

    Tick the box At Mode and you're in business...

    [edited by: FloBaeumler at 6:44 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Mar 1 2014]
  • Hey , ive been reading the teabreak tutorial (damm handy that was !) and i have learned how to use the congo jr for most of the basics tasks i am supposed to do.

    2 things still remain unclear to me :
    -Is it possible to make a chase react to music ? For example, could I pull an AUX channel out of the sound mixer , pop it in the congo , and make a chase react to the input ?

    -How do i assign a channel or a group ,to one of the independent potentiometers ?

    Many thanks for all provided help already !


  • Congo does'nt have any sound-to-light functions.

    To assign items to the "Independents":

    Method A:

    • Hold [Setup], wiggle/press the appropriate Independent, quickly release [Setup]
      (If you wait too long it'll open the Play Settings dialog instead)

    Method B:

    • Browser > Independents > select Independent and press Modify (or double-click)

    Either method will open the Independent Setup dialog.

    With that open, select channels and set levels like normal.
    Then choose options from the dropdown boxes, and finally click "Execute" to apply your changes and close the dialog.

  • Aha , that was pretty straight forward.. I tried method A first before , but on i couldn't get it to work with the console mimic in offline mode , but method B does the trick. 
    And good to know that it has no music to light options , i'll stop looking around for that now , thanks !
