More Channels Reqd.

Hi Guys

I have been hovering at a channel count of just under 2 full universes of DMX. I have 12 new moving heads on the way and need to expand my channel count. Just wondering what hardware is involved. There are only 2 x 5 pin DMX outlets on my Congo full-size so what are my options? Thanks!

Matt - Perth College Theatre

West Coast, Australia

  • The max. 12 Universes are all sent over Ethernet using ETCNet2 (EDMX), ArtNet and/or Streaming ACN (E1.31).

    The two physical DMX ports on the back of the console can be set to any two Universes (or the same one twice).
    - If your dimmers are natively 'on-the-network' devices like Sensor+ and Sensor3 you could simply rearrange the rear ports to be universes 2 and 3.

    For additional 'physical' DMX ports, we recommend ETC Net3/ACN DMX/RDM Gateways.
    - The two and four port varieties also support RDM for remote management (addressing and moniitoring).

    There are one, two and four port varieties depending on what you need.
    In your case I would recommend the two-port DMX gateway - it's always better to have an 'extra' port than to think "If only I had one more..." later on!

    Your local ETC dealer (I think this is Jands) will be able to give you prices for the output count upgrade and a DMX Gateway.

  • The max. 12 Universes are all sent over Ethernet using ETCNet2 (EDMX), ArtNet and/or Streaming ACN (E1.31).

    The two physical DMX ports on the back of the console can be set to any two Universes (or the same one twice).
    - If your dimmers are natively 'on-the-network' devices like Sensor+ and Sensor3 you could simply rearrange the rear ports to be universes 2 and 3.

    For additional 'physical' DMX ports, we recommend ETC Net3/ACN DMX/RDM Gateways.
    - The two and four port varieties also support RDM for remote management (addressing and moniitoring).

    There are one, two and four port varieties depending on what you need.
    In your case I would recommend the two-port DMX gateway - it's always better to have an 'extra' port than to think "If only I had one more..." later on!

    Your local ETC dealer (I think this is Jands) will be able to give you prices for the output count upgrade and a DMX Gateway.

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