Missing tabs and dock items on congo jr

Just booted up and I'm missing all the tabs and dock. It's happened before and I can't for the life of me remember the magic button sequence that brings them back.

Can anybody help?

Many thanks,


[edited by: roottwo at 2:29 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Mar 14 2014]
  • [C/Alt] & [TAB][TAB] resets the tabs and docks back to the default set.
    - This requires focus so you might have to click on the background or open a Dock first.

    Or use a Direct Select screen layout (if you have any).

    Or right-click on an edge to get the context menu and open a dock - eg the Browser - then open tabs from there.

    Finally, the Live and Main Playback tabs are locked from closing in the default layout, so "all closed" can only happen if somebody unlocks these tabs first.
    These tabs should be left locked unless you really, really, really want to close them!
