Strange happenings with cobalt and capture polar!


I current have a congo jr running cobalt and use capture sweden software on my mac, iv used it for many shows but my last three shows iv seen werid happenings with some of moving light i have in the show.

It only happens to 1 of the moving light if you have a pair lets say, for instance a show i did last week i had two mac 250 entours, gave them there own independent dmx address like normal, the mode was correct on both fixtures etc.

i programmed them postions on my console and saw the positions i wanted in real time through the capture show software everything is fine, i then take it to the venue, go to the preset i wanted these postions i had pre programmed on the desk and one of the movers is copying the others positions?

Any ideas or anything silly im doing?


  • Do you have a show file from the pre-programming and one from the venue you can compare the data?

    If the values are the same in the show file then it might the fixture was hung a different way round to as it was in capture.

    I know from using capture its was very hard to tell which way round the fixture is hung on the plan although this might have changed.


  • Do you have a show file from the pre-programming and one from the venue you can compare the data?

    If the values are the same in the show file then it might the fixture was hung a different way round to as it was in capture.

    I know from using capture its was very hard to tell which way round the fixture is hung on the plan although this might have changed.


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