Avab Presto Sequence Question

Hello all,

I'm working in a circus big top with an Avab Presto and here is the question:

When I record a new preset a new step is not created automatically, how can I make this happen?

In the manual it says "once a preset is recorded in the A crossfader playback it is automatically placed in numerical order in the sequence" but when I follow the instructions, a new preset is recorded but a new step is not created.

Here is what I do:

Setup my channels as I wish
Then press [23] [RECORD].

What am i doing wrong?

Also, sometimes the screen colors decide to change by themselves for no reason.

And the SOLO function for the masters does not work.

Any ideas?

Thank you. 

Parents Reply
  • Hi Pierre-Luc,

    what colors do you see on the screen? In setup you can choose between different color schemes. Please see page 134 in the manual. Did you check cable and connectors?


    Also on page 67 the SOLO function is described. Does the Flash Mode work? Does the SOLO LED light up as described? What happens if you press [?]+[Flash Mode]? Does the help function for this key open?



  • Hello Anja,

    For the colors, I know I can change the theme between 1 and 2 and right know we use the one that gives us colors that are mostly Blue and Red for title bars with different shades of grey for the rest.

    But after some time, without changing anything the colors can become yellow/green/pink and it's very hard to see the information. From there if we turn OFF, turn ON the console once or a couple times it comes back to our normal red,blue,grey theme. Which would mean are cables should be fine because we do not touch them in the process of restarting the console.

    We might try a console reset to see what happens.

    For the SOLO I was able to make it work. Though at some point when I would press the solo nothing would happen but when I would release that master would flash once quickly.

    I thought soloing would solo everything, including lights in a cue(sequence), but it only solos between Master.

    There are a couple strange things happening. Either not aware of some of the functions or the console is acting up a little bit...

  • Bonjour

    Je présume que tu es francophone.

    le mode "buid" s'appelle "Séquence Fixe" en français qui place automatiquement les mémoires dans la séquence dans l'ordre croissant. Il existe un raccourci pour l'activer ou non : Setup + Seq  de mon souvenir

    Le mode Solo des Masters ne fonctionne que sur les contenus des masters donc aucune influence sur les circuits envoyés en manuel ou depuis la séquence.

    [edited by: pilou at 7:39 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 30 2014]
  • Parfait Merci. Ça fonctionne maintenant.

  • Hello,

    I never heard this failure that the console swaps the color mode itself.

    Please check the battery (CR2032), NOT the dongle underneath the flat ribbon cable.

    The battery must have 3V. When the battery is empty the console swaps back to factory default settings. This means the color mode is back to green/yellow

    But this happens first after you switch off the console, as long the console is powered the color mode should stay in mode 2 (blue/red)

    Also check the power supply voltage if you able to do that. The 5V/DC should NOT be above 5,10V !


