Trouble patching a 3channel LED fixture on a Congo JR


I've recently gotten a demo from a Belgian company who produce LED screens to test their Lx109.

They're set to a 3channel RGB mode, and i intended to use them as a flood for my backdrop.

I can't, however, seem to be able to patch them into my controller. I've tried making a template for them myself since the congo doesn't have one, i've tried the generic RGB one and i've tried patching them as separate dimmers. Every time they start strobing on their own. Weird part is, the displays on the fixtures themselves seem to strobe with them. I can still control the colours, so i know they're receiving the dmx signal. Output editor shows the dmx signal as constant, so i know they're not somehow programmed to strobe.

I've already ruled out any problems with either power, dmx or the fixtures themselves, since they work perfectly on my Smartfade controller.

What seemed to work was going into the system settings, changing nothing, and when i opened the controller again, they worked normally. Untill however, i saved my show an hour later and they started showing the problem again. Rebooting entirely doesn't solve anything. The second time i tried this solution it didn't work.

Changing universes didn't work aswell.


anyone experience similar problems, and if so, how did you solve these?

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