Opening Exp2 files


 I've had various companies coming in with Express/Expression discs and I've been struggling to convert them for the Congo.

Showport doesn't recognise Exp2 files; is there another converter? Is there an update for showport?

If anybody could help enlighten me, I'd be very grateful as I feel daft asking for strand files to convert when they have ETC files too!



  • Hello Paul,

    'Showport' usually refers to the Strand utility for converting Strand Showfiles to ASCII.

    What you would want is the Expression Offline Editor. Which version you want depends on the software version your console is running, which you can see at the bottom right of the screen in the 'Setup' menu.

    The latest version is 3.1 :

     Once you have this installed, you can load your show, then select Convert -> Write ASCII and save your show as an ASCII file.

    This can then be loaded directly into Congo.

    Hope that helps!





  • Hello Paul,

    'Showport' usually refers to the Strand utility for converting Strand Showfiles to ASCII.

    What you would want is the Expression Offline Editor. Which version you want depends on the software version your console is running, which you can see at the bottom right of the screen in the 'Setup' menu.

    The latest version is 3.1 :

     Once you have this installed, you can load your show, then select Convert -> Write ASCII and save your show as an ASCII file.

    This can then be loaded directly into Congo.

    Hope that helps!





  • Just to add on to Tom's excellent response - please make sure to use the v3.11 (and not the v3.1) Expression Off-Line software as it has the ability to export more data to ASCII than the v3.1 OLE did. If you "Include Manufacturer-specific Data" in your export, you will get more information from the Expression show file into your Congo than the simple dimmer patch and cue information that v3.1 provides.

    Thanks much -


  • Hello to everyone that replied! Thank you for your responses, they've been very useful.

    I feel like a numpty now, I new I could convert Exp2 files and already use the Expression Offline Editor! I just didn't put it altogether!

    As I say, thanks again


