Disable control of dimmers

I'm running 3 networked Congo Jr consol's across live studios but wish to use the 3rd desk for training purposes, therefore I want to temporarily disable all but a few dimmers from the 3rd consol. Can someone please advise on best proceedure.

Many Thanks

Parents Reply Children
  • Many Thanks for this Anne. Since my post I worked out how to unpatch outputs from dimmers but your suggestion looks a much better option. Could you give me a little more detail about how to create a partition.




  • Sorry Dave, I have a terrible habit of posting and then not checking for replies, do forgive me. 

    The only time I actively network my consoles is in a Server/Backup configuration, so this will bear some testing on your part to see if it behaves the way I expect it ought--I don't know what Users you have defined, for instance--but here's the procedure. I'm offline at home right now, but I gave it a quick test last time I was at work and it seemed to be correct. 

    Browser > Channels > Settings and Tools > Channel Partitions [MODIFY] to open up the Channel Partitions Editor. The default Partition (All) exists already. You can create a new one w/ [INSERT]. At that point it's like creating a Group or a Preset, you choose which channels you want to allow access to--I chose 1-10, level 100%, and gave the Partition a Text label of "1-10,", and toggled it to Active.

    Prior to creating the Partition, in Live, I had Channels 1-32 on at various levels, and as soon as the Partition went active it shut down 11-32. Choked 'em right off. Now I can't tell any other channel to do anything. Upon toggling it back off, those levels did not restore to their previous, so you'd have to manually grab them again.


    Looks like if you put a level under 100% in the partition, it will act as an inhibit, putting a ceiling on how high you can raise those levels live until you toggle the partition off. (But not if you still have the channels selected in the Partition editor while you're wiggling them about Live, it seems. So de-select before going Live in that case.)

    Another alternate, more clunky, method would be Rename. If you're not currently using Channel Names, you could temporarily Name the channels you don't want used to 0 (Patching > Settings and Tools > Channel List > Name), and then reset them to 1:1 afterwards, but it's kind of involved. Partitions would be more user-friendly for something you probably do frequently. And you could have multiple Partitions for times you want control of different elements. 

    Hope this helps.




